31 December, 2012

He forgot all his promises and returned to his vices.
It made her sick.
And it left her all alone
And so she starts to question him about his sincerity.
He gets annoyed.
And they argue
He thinks ” What is there to question about? I’ve always been sincere!”
And yet, she is not satisfied. She knows that there is something wrong.
But he never answers her directly. And her questions are always pushed to “the next time”
And she hated it.

16 December, 2012

Who do u love?

Those silly hearts you draw on the back of your notebook.

Those late night phone calls.

Those sweet texts he send to you that makes you smile like a goat.

Those times when you smile with no apparent reason while on your way home.

Those nights when you can’t fall asleep because you had a fight

Those days when you miss talking to him.

Those times when you get jealous easily.

Those moments when you want him by your side.